Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My life with the eightfold path

The eightfold path is one of the major components of Buddhism. It describes how a good Buddhist should act, and what he/she should be aware of. Although I am not a Buddhist, there are many parts of the eightfold path, along with other components of the religion itself, that I strongly agree with. One of the terms of the eightfold path that I fell really apples to my life is that a human should have right speech. This to me does't mean that I should speak in proper grammar or in a certain language, but that before I speak I should think about what I am saying and how it will effect the people around me or the person it was directed towards. This leads into the other component I strongly agree with, which is to have right mindfulness. To me, this means that you process the things people are saying before you take offence. I feel that it is important to know what the persons intentions were when processing his or her thoughts. The last component I feel really should be a part of every human beings life to to give right effort into everything that you do. This to me means that you need to approach every situation with an open mind, and be ready to give your full effort in order to get the best out of what life has to offer. These are the principals that I feel really apply to my life, and that I try and incorporate into everything that I do.

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