Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ancient egyptian drawing

My drawing is represent the ancient goddess Sehkmet, who was known to be the goddess of war. Sehkmet was born from Re's eye and sent down to earth to control unruly people. She appeared as a ball of fire, and in order to keep her happy, people would present small tokes to her such as little figurines of her and pots of scented oils. In my picture, you can see a woman bowing down in honer of her, presenting her with vases of wine and oils. In the upper left hand corner is the eye of Re, watching over his people to make sure everything is in order. The hieroglyphics around her are telling her story and explaining her great strength and power.
While drawing this I had a really hard time getting the shape of the people. Ancient Egyptians usually drew people from the side, and when you are drawing a profile like that its really hard to make all the features prominent, so most of my people are missing noses. Overall, I feel like I got a lot of the right symbolism in. The picture depicts the story of Sehkmet and explains what going on.